Risk Management
***Employee Accident/Injury***
EMPLOYERS® offers two convenient phone numbers that are available 24/7 to report a
claim with less paperwork.* Both numbers are staffed with individuals fluent in both
English and Spanish, with accommodations for other languages.
1. Injured Employee Hotline – 855-365-6010
• Reporting of a new work-related injury or illness when the injured/ill employee
has not yet received medical treatment.
------Access to registered nurses who are specially trained to provide nurse triage
and medical guidance.
2. Customer Support – 888-682-6671
• Reporting of a new work-related injury or illness when the injured/ill employee
has already received medical treatment.
____Injured employees who have not yet sought medical treatment will be
transferred to our Injured Employee Hotline (IEH) and provided the IEH phone
*For all injuries or illnesses that require immediate assistance from Emergency Services
please call 911.
If you are hurt at work, it is imperative that you or your Supervisor/Manager report your work-related injury or illness, regardless of nature or severity, to [email protected] immediately
All non-work-related injuries/illnesses that have an impact on an employee’s ability to do the essential functions of the job must be reported to [email protected]
For more information regarding claims click the link below:
Attention: Employee’s Supervisor/Manager
***Student Accident/Incident Report***
Coordinators, Teachers, IA's, and Clerical:
When a student gets injured please fill out below Student Accident- Incident Report. Student Accident- Incident Report must be completed by the FP Charter employee in charge of the injured student immediately or by the end of that school day. Filled out form must be printed before submitting and emailed to the Director of Risk Management. This information is confidential and privileged and should not be provided to a parent or other person.
If an accident or incident occurs involving a non-student or non-employee such as a visitor or parent, the same form must be completed.